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Decarbonizing the Americas

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Deploying technical and financial support for sustainable infrastructure projects to local governments of Latin America and the Caribbean.

R20 – Regions of Climate Action (R20), Ciudades Capitales de las Americas frente al Cambio Climatico Secretariado (CC35) and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) are combining their efforts to accelerate the identification, development and financing of sustainable infrastructure projects in Latin American and Caribbean regions and cities.

Successfully transitioning to a form of development that protects the environment and enhances the well-being of populations in social, economic and health terms, requires unprecedented investments in sustainable infrastructure. In the most urbanized region of the planet. This need is particularly high at the city, state and regional levels, where mid-size projects, typically of between $5-50 million in construction costs, offer a unique opportunity to maximize sustainable development benefits.

R20, CC35 and LDF are joining forces to foster sustainable infrastructure investments at the sub-national level in Latin America and the Caribbean. They intend to do so by deploying a technical and financial ecosystem, based on the “R20 Value Chain Approach” and tailored to the specific needs of the Latin American and Caribbean context. This effort will help to fast-track the identification, development and implementation of portfolios of projects on a scale that will facilitate connections to public, private, and institutional investors, while generating impact on a scale that will deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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