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The Commune II, District of Bamako, Energic and R20 have teamed up to improve the management and valorization of the roughly 50'000 tons per year of solid waste received by the Commune II every day. In particular, R20 will support the development of the project through the financing of the feasibility study by the Waste Project Facilitator (WPF).

Bamako, Mali, 28 March 2018 - Energic, a project developer based in Mali, the municipality of Commune II, District of Bamako and R20 signed a convention agreement to develop a municipal waste project.
The aim of the project is to recover recyclables and transform solid waste into fertilizer and energy through the implementation of a selective waste collection programme, a sorting facility, a composting center for organic waste, and a waste-to-energy (pyrolysis) plant for all non-recyclable plastics.
Thanks to the strong involvement of the municipal authorities in this project, the land required for the implementation of the various facilities has already been secured and the feasibility study (performed by the WPF) is underway.
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