Webinars – Subnational Climate Fund (SCF) project submission platform presentation
Tuesday 29 March 2022

R20, on behalf of the SCF Technical Assistance (SCF TA) team, organized four regional webinars per SCF region to present the project submission platform as follows:
Mediterranean – Balkans : 24 February 2022 (10:00 CET)
Africa : 01 March 2022 (09:00 CET)
Asia Pacific : 09 March 2022 (09:00 CET)
Latin America – Caribbean : 15 March 2022 (13:00 CET)
National Designated Authorities (NDAs), IUCN representatives and nominees by NDAs in SCF countries have been invited to participate with the following Agenda:
Welcoming remarks and introduction to SCF Initiative, Technical Assistance (SCF TA)
SCF Project cycle (+video)
SCF Project Submission Portal (Online demonstration + Video)
Q&A Session
Closing remarks
This SCF TA capacity building activity meant to reach the following objectives:
Support project proponents/developers from eligible SCF countries to prepare and submit eligible project proposals online;
Get project proponents/developers from eligible SCF countries familiarized with online submission process and requirements, in particular eligibility and exclusion criteria;
Share experiences through current ongoing SCF project submission cycle/activities.